Sunday, November 22, 2015

What are you thankful for?

What is the definition of "thanksgiving?"
"It is the act of giving thanks; grateful acknowledgement of benefits or favors, especially to God."

It seems that as the years go by we forget the importance of taking a moment and thinking about our life, about our daily life. Have you thought about giving thanks for just waking up in the morning? How about because you are able to walk, or you can hear and speak? Maybe you can't get out of bed, but you woke up, right? Who do you think woke you up this morning? Maybe you can't hear or speak, but you can walk and you can do other things, correct?

See sometimes we are so wrapped up in ourselves, in our issues, our problems, our mess, our illness that we take for granted the small things that you should give thanks to God for every single day. You know it is very sad that there are truly people that wait until Thanksgiving Day to give thanks! What happened the rest of the year? Did the sun not rise? Did the moon not come out? The definition of thanksgiving is grateful acknowledgement of benefits or favors, especially to God. So are we not receiving benefits? Are we not receiving rain when we need it? See it says "acknowledgement for benefits or favor. You and I have received many benefits.

If you still feel you don't have anything to give thanks to God, then I have one more for you. This is the most important one, undeniable -

First let me explain a little something. When God created the world he spoke the Word and it would come into existence Genesis 1:3-25, but when he made man he said "let us create him in Our Image." Genesis 1:26a "Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: ...." Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." In Genesis 2:7 "And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils  the breath of life; and man became a living soul." 1 Peter 5:8 says "Be sober (well balanced and self-disciplined) be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion (fiercely hungry) seeking someone to to devour." John 10:10 "The thief only comes to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and life abundantly."

Adam and Eve had a perfect relationship with God until it was broken by giving in to temptation and once failing into that temptation and sinning that relationship with God was broken. However, God was not going to leave us lost without a relationship with him and condemned to eternal death, suffering in hell and in the lake of fire for all eternity. No! Hell and the lake of fire was created for the devil, demons and the fallen angels. It was NEVER created for us. However, the devil has made it his mission to break, damage, kill, destroy everything that belongs to God.

If God wouldn't have breathed life into you, you wouldn't be alive today and if He doesn't continue what will happen, you die! I think that is a good reason to be thankful every single day. Yet, we take one day of the year to sit down with our family many times not even give thanks to God, but gather to eat a good meal. Living now in the 21st century that is probably the only day and Christmas in which the family (I think) is all together and they sit at the table together. Thank God that your children are with you!

So as you read this blog and meditate on it, I ask you.....Do you have anything to be thankful to God?

I have so much to be thankful to God. The first and most important is for His forgiveness of my sins and for my salvation. I thank Him for the healing of my hearing in my right ear. I thank God for watching over me just recently when I lost control of the car. I thank God for my parents and family. I thank God because I was born into a very united, caring, loving and supportive family. I have so much more to give thanks, how about you!

God bless!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

"For Such a Time of This"

 You Are Chosen

Esther 4:14
(NIV) For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you are your father's house will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?

(AMP) For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance shall arise for the Jews from elsewhere, but you and your father's house shall perish. And who knows you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this and for this very occasion.

Since before you were born God already had a purpose and a plan for your life. In Jeremiah 1:5 (AMP) it says "Before I formed you in the womb I knew (and) approved of you (as my Chosen instrument), and before I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; (and) I appointed you as prophet to the nations." (KJV) "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."

God knew you before you were born. He knows what you are going to go through before it happens. He gives you the tools, the knowledge and understanding. He doesn't put you through the test, He doesn't give you the test but He knows you are going to go through it and He will help you. You just need to trust and believe that God will see you through. You need to know not to give up but to get back up and ask God for forgiveness and keep walking. See you've been called for such a time as this! Why do you think the devil is fighting so hard to keep you down, distracted, not believing that you can do anything for God. The devil is a liar and he's trying to create doubt in you; he's trying to keep you thinking you are not worthy of salvation, of His love and forgiveness or grace. He keeps you entertained with things of this world. Why? Because you are called for such a time as this!

See you didn't choose God, God chose you. In John 15:16 (NIV)"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so you might go and bear fruit - fruit that will last - and so whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you." He chose you for such a time as this! If you are not sure if you are chosen read "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame. For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile - the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him, for, Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13 If you believe this then you are chosen. You've been chosen for such a time as this!

To bring this all together back to the main bible verse I started with Esther 4:14 (AMP) For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance shall arise for the Jews from elsewhere, but you and your father's house shall perish. And who knows you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this and for this very occasion. The story of Esther is well known but it is also a great lesson to us. Her parents died when she was young and her uncle adopted her. The King got drunk asked for the Queen Vashti to come so he can show off her royal crown and her beauty before his officials and she said no. So they had to use her as an example of what happens if you talk back to the King, to your husband and refuse to listen to him so that the other women wouldn't follow her example - she would no longer be queen. So they went through a process and Esther was brought with many other young ladies (virgins) to the place where they would have to go through 12 months training and other things before they would get presented to the king. According to whether the King was pleased or not with you, you would get called back to see the King. The King was very pleased and attracted to Esther. Now Mordecai, her uncle had instructed her not to say what nationality she was or her family. Even though she was now a young woman and was chosen as queen, she still obeyed her uncle as she did when she was a child. She kept quiet about her nationality until it was time to speak. In those days you were not allowed to see the king unless he summoned you, including his wife. Then Haman that worked for the king and had it in for Mordecai and convinced the king to send out an order. The reason why he had it in for Esther's uncle is because the king had given Haman a seat of honor higher than the other nobles. The nobles and officials would bow down when he would come by but not Mordecai so he was angry and convinced the king to give the order to destroy the Jews. When Mordecai told Esther she replied that he knew she couldn't go to the king unless he extended the invitation because if not they can be put to death unless he decides to accept you. Mordecai reminded her and told her "just because you live in the king's house you alone of all Jews will escape"?

She was reminded what she had been called for, what she was chosen do to. Once she was reminded, once her vision was focused again she was able to hear "....for such a time of this" See she was called, she was prepared and equipped and she was positioned to do what God had called her to do what He called her to do for such a time of this!

What have you been called to do? You have been called to do what God has called you to do. What he has placed in your hands and what he has prepared you to do - for such a time as this! Why? Because there is so much confusion, false teachers, preachers, and leaders. There are so many people seeking the truth and cannot find it because they are being filled by false teachings. There are so many hurting people seeking where to find healing for their wounds; seeking joy and restoration and the pain taken away. God is calling men and women, youth, and children to get up shout from the mountaintops that Jesus lives, that He loves them; that He died for them; that He rose from the dead; this is what you need to start saying. You need to reach those that feel unloved, the ones that feel rejected. We do not need to judge anyone, how they look or what condition they are in when you speak to them or they come into your church. They will come in full of tattoo's and body piercings but you know what those are the ones we want to reach. They will be radical for Christ and they can reach others that were in the same situations or style of life for the Kingdom of God.

We are living in the end times. The Bible, the prophecies are coming to pass which indicates He's at the doors. I know you've heard for years that He's coming but nothing yet. God's time is not like our time and our time is not like God's time. However, read your bible and watch the news - we need to sound the alarm, we need to snatch the lives out of the enemies hands and proclaim them for the kingdom of God. We need to stand in the gap.

We must arise.....Ephesians 5:14 says "Therefore He says, Awake, Oh sleeper, and arise from the dead and Christ shall shine (make day dawn) upon you and give you light." (AMP) " This is not the time to be sleeping or trying to figure out what God wants you to do. For such a time as this you have been called!

God bless! Stand strong in the Word! Get up, go forward, spread the Word!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

What is Bipolar? 21 Warning Signs Someone Is Bipolar

21 Warning Signs Someone Is Bipolar

What is Bipolar? Many people have the misconception or make assumptions and immediately go into a big conversation about how you shouldn't be near that person, that the person is bad, etc. So I want to explain to you what is bipolar. Before you judge another person with Bipolar or any other illness or disease, research or be informed.

Bipolar Disorder, formerly called manic depressive, is a mental illness that involves that the sufferer having at least one manic (overly excited or irritable mood) or nearly manic (hypomanic) episode. The mood swings of this condition can last for weeks at a time and can cause significant work and relationship problems.

Bipolar Disorder, also known as manic depressive disorder, is a disease of the brain that affects 5.5 million Americans. It causes unusual shifts in mood; sufferers can swing from incredible highs of manic energy to gut wrenching lows of depression. It can also make everyday life much more difficult, as it can be trouble at work, relationships, and school. Left untreated it can even lead to suicide. Bipolar Disorder can be treated, but you need to know its main characters to identify it.

Extended Periods of Energy:

There are two abnormal phases when one suffers from bipolar disorder, a manic phase and a depressive phase. In a manic phase, a feeling of heightened energy is common. They’ll seem hyperactive and sleep a lot less than normal. These periods are often accompanied by euphoria and feelings of confidence and invincibility.


On the flip side of manic is the low period, depression. When someone is in a depressed state, you may notice the following signs: prolonged sadness, pessimism, loss of appetite, unexplained aches and pains, loss of energy and feelings of guilt.
People with bipolar disorder usually experience the depression more often than then mania (the highs). It’s usually during these stages that most people seek professional help.


Not everyone who is irritable is bipolar, but irritability is a common indicator when combined with other symptoms. Everybody is irritable at some point but people with bipolar disorder it becomes so severe that it interferes with their relationships.
Difficulty at Work:
Working can be especially difficult with bipolar disorder. Both the manic and depressive phases of bipolar disorder can and will make for difficulties at work. People with bipolar disorder most often thrive in structured environments with regular schedules. Bipolar disorder sufferers should also learn coping techniques to help them manage their different phases.

Alcohol Abuse:

Bipolar disorder and alcoholism often go hand in hand.  About half the people who suffer bipolar disorder also struggle with alcoholism. There’s also some research that indicates that there is a genetic link between bipolar depression and a propensity for alcoholism.
Bipolar sufferers often drink to ease the symptoms especially when in a depressive phase. Drinking may seem to help, but in the long run it makes symptoms much worse. In a manic phase, the loss of inhibitions and feelings of invincibility do not make a good combination with alcohol.

Drug Abuse:

Just as with alcohol, drug abuse and bipolar disorder are also linked as up to 60% of bipolar sufferers also abuse drugs. Most drug abuse occurs when bipolar sufferers are attempting to self-medicate themselves to better manage their highs and lows.


Hallucinations, though rare, can occur, especially during a severe manic phase. And although rarer, hallucinations can also occur during a depressive state as well. In either case, if hallucinations do start to occur, they need to be taken very seriously, as they reflect an extreme serious episode and likely indicates need for hospitalization.

Unable to Finish Tasks:

One of the hallmarks of bipolar disorder is a house full of half completed projects. Often times when a sufferer of bipolar disorder is in their manic phase, they’ll start a flurry of new projects.  But they’ll end up going from task to task planning grand unrealistic projects. But too often, they’ll end up moving to something else before completing any one project. Even though a manic person has a lot energy, they’re often to easily distracted to finish anything.

Rapid Speech:

Rapid or “pressured” speech is one of the most common symptoms of bipolar disorder. This occurs because the person really isn’t really in a two-way conversation. The person will talk rapidly and if you try to them, they will talk over you. They’ll also just jump around to different topic s.

Erratic Behavior:

Erratic behavior for a bipolar depressive usually occurs during a manic phase. In the manic phase, bipolar suffers often have feelings of invincibility and often make bad decisions. Two of the most common behaviors are unusual sexual behavior and spending sprees.

Difficulty Sleeping:

Bipolar disorder may affect sleep in many different ways. One may get insomnia in many different phases. While the opposite may be true during the depressive stage as sufferers may sleep far too much. Bipolar Sufferers often also suffer from sleep apnea, irregular sleep schedules and when they do sleep, they find they are lacking in the deep sleep of REM and dreams.

Mind is always Racing:

Racing thoughts are a symptom of manic health. It’s more than just thinking fast though. They are thoughts that just won’t stop constantly either in the background and sometimes even taking over a person’s consciousness. People who suffer from a racing mind have problems with concentration and focus. They’ll also have difficulty going to sleep. Other symptoms including a pounding heart, or pulse or and a drumming in the left ear. “You know who you are!” They also have difficulty
Self-confidence is usually a good thing. But in a manic state manic stake it goes well beyond normal self-confidence. In a manic state, sufferers often feel they can accomplish anything and everything.

Unrealistic Beliefs in One’s Abilities:

There’s a downside to this feeling though. Often, this will lead to reckless behavior and taking unnecessary risks. This can lead to spending sprees, drug abuse, and ill-advised business decisions or
Impulsive sexual indiscretions

Feelings of hopeless and sad:

Depression can be much worse than just feeling mentally than just feeling mentally and physically work. Extreme sadness and hopeless not can also be a symptom.
Feeling guilty, anxiety, indifference, disinterest, and indecisiveness are all are all symptoms of depression. This can all lead to suicidal thoughts. (Thank God you don’t battle with this) If you or someone else starts having suicidal thoughts, see a Doctor immediately.

Physical and Mental Sluggishness:

Mental and Physical sluggishness are a symptom of a depressive phase of bipolar disorder. When one is depressed everything takes much more effort. Even small tasks take extra effort.
 If you feel depressed you should see a doctor to get treatment. Drugs such as lithium and other mood stabilizers can help manager of attacks of depression.

Slow Speech:        

The flip side of mania is a depressive phase, the depressive phase usually lasts much longer than manic and it can be quite a bit more damaging.
In a depressed state, the mind starts slowing down and feeling and the body becomes lethargic. Both of these will cause speech to slow.

Unexplained Aches and Pains:

Some people in a depressive phase also experience unexplained aches and pains. The most common complaints are headaches, back and shoulder pains, chest palpitations, and chest pains.

Change in Appetite:

In a depressed state, a loss appetite is very common. Food becomes tasteless and uninteresting. Although in some cases the reverse is true, as some people turn to comfort eating to cope with their depression. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Struggles....Do you struggle to read the Bible?

There are many kinds of struggle and we will talk about several of them. On this post we will talk about the struggle to read the bible. 

What is the purpose of the bible? In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 it tells us "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction of righteousness that the man of God may be perfect; thoroughly approved for every good work."

Bible = a collection of books; Scripture = writing, sacred - 40 different men wrote the bible over a period of 1,500 years not their words but the words that God was saying. In another posts I will "The Purpose of the Bible." Many say the bible is boring, but did you know that there is variety in the bible. Yes - the bible talks about History, poetry, letters, adventure, parables, miracles and love letters. There's different moods: joy/sorrow 

Do you struggle to read the bible? Do you want to read the bible more than you do? Do you often start a bible reading plan to quit after a week? Do you keep telling yourself, "I'll begin reading the bible after X and Y get taken care of."

Let's see what the bible tells us in Proverbs 2:1-5 "My son, if you receive my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and incline your heart to understanding - indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as silver and you search for it as hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God."

First, we've neglected Urgency:

In the beginning of this verse he starts with "my son." There's urgency in his words. He is pleading with his son to study God's Word. It's a matter of life-and-death. Proverbs is telling us to study the Word of God because you will be seduced, you will be tempted, it clearly tells us that there are evil forces that are trying to destroy us. Before you know it you will be standing before the presence of God, are you ready? 

It is long overdue for the church, the people to begin to study the Word of God. I'm not talking about just reading the bible just to read it. I'm talking about reading the bible aloud, meditate on it as you read and let it sink in, let it minister to you, understand what you are reading. Take notes, if you don't understand something, jot it down and then ask your pastor. We need to recapture the urgency. Nowadays when a person gives their life to Christ we need to instruct them to begin reading and studying the bible every single day. Don't suggest to the people to read the bible because then this

gives them an option to make a decision; tell them they need to read it. It's their instruction manual, it's the one that will help them to overcome that struggle. In the days we are living in the young people and children, the new generation need to study the Word of God and so many are afraid to tell them to study the Word of God. They need to see and hear us to plead to study and read the Word of God and they will understand that some things are optional but other things are life-and-death.

Many parents plead with their children to do their best in sports or in class. How much more important is it for you to plead with your child to read the Bible?

Second, we've neglected hard work 

Let's look at the action words in these verses (Proverbs 2:1-5)
  • Receive my words
  • Store (treasure) up my commandments
  • turning your ear to wisdom
  • Incline your heart to understanding
  • Call out for insight
  • Cry aloud for understanding
  • Look for it like silver
  • Search for it as for hidden treasure
On one hand we are to be urgent and on the other hand we are to be diligent. Reading the bible is not easy. It's hard work. If you find it easy chances are you are missing something important.

Reading the bible is not automatic. You have to be diligent. Receive, treasure up, turn your ear or make it attentive, incline your heart, call out, cry aloud, look for and search. Personal bible study is a battle, maybe the greatest one in your life. I myself struggle with this at times; we are all human.
You have to be consistent and persistent. There are times when I go to read the bible and study it all of a sudden I get a heaviness in my eyes that I literally have to lay down but then when I get up I go and read the bible. There will be so many obstacles against you. You have to fight to make it happen and to receive understanding. In James 1:5 says If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." 

You know thinking back when I was growing up we tend to follow the same way we were taught to teach others but maybe we should change the way we tell others about reading the bible. Instead of telling people "Read the Bible." Let's be more honest and realistic. Let's tell them reading the bible will be a struggle. But you need to stick to it, hang on, persevere, Call out for help and cry for understanding. Seek it with all you've got. Keep your ear open so you don't miss the truths God has for you. It is so crucial that we know the Word of God. In Hosea 4:6(a) "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...." 

Third, we've neglected imagination

We fail to see God's Word as a treasure. These verses say that God's Word is like silver and hidden treasure. I believe that many of our problems in studying the bible would be solved if we believed that the bible is a treasure. Why? Because people do not have problem being convinced to look for a treasure. They will search for it diligently. Every human being does this naturally.

This could mean we can approach our study of the bible differently. Maybe we can study the bible more emotionally rather than intellectually. We need to put our imagination to work more than our rational mind. "Seek it like silver and search for it as a hidden treasure" is highly emotional. It's meant to stimulate your imagination. Once your imagination is on board there's little you can do to stop it. 

How are you doing with your bible study? Sometimes we neglect one or more of these mentioned. Sometimes we think that bible study just means a routine of reading or just having knowledge of the bible. The more we can recapture urgency, hard work and imagination the more vital is our pursuit of God. 

God bless!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Good Friday

The Last Seven Words of Jesus From the Cross

1. Matthew 27:46 "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Jesus cried this out about the ninth hour. Jesus was expressing his feelings of abandonment as God placed the sins of the world upon Him - and because of that, God had to "turn away" from Jesus. As Jesus was feeling the weight of sin, he was feeling a separation from God for the only time ever in all eternity. Psalm 22:1 is fulfilled here "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning?"

2. Luke 23:34 "Father, forgive them, for they do not what they are doing." Those who crucified Jesus were not aware of what they were doing because they did not recognize him as the Messiah.While their ignorance didn't mean they deserved forgiveness, it shows that Jesus that although he was being mocked He showed limitless compassion and divine grace.

3. Luke 23:43 "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." One of the criminals on the cross expressed His faith in Jesus, recognizing Him for who He was and Jesus assures him that he will be with Him in heaven. The criminal said to Jesus: "And he said, Jesus remember me when you come to your kingdom." Luke 23:42

4. Luke 23:46 "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." Here, Jesus is giving up His soul into the Father's hands. He is about to die. God has accepted His sacrifice. Hebrews 9:14 "how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God."

5. John 19:26-27 "Dear woman, here is your son!" and "Here is your mother!" Jesus saw his mother standing at the cross with the Apostle John, whom he loved. He put her in John's care. He wanted to be sure she was taken care of after His death.

6. John 19:28 "I am thirsty" Here the Messianic prophecy was being fulfilled. In Psalm 69:21 says "They gave me poison for food, and for my thirst they gave me sour wine to drink." When Jesus said he was thirsty the Roman guards gave him vinegar which was their custom during a crucifixion thus fulfilling prophecy.

7. John 19:30 "It is finished!" This meant that His suffering was over and the whole work His Father had given Him to do: preach the Good News (Gospel), do miracles, salvation for His people, was done, accomplished! The debt of sin was paid!

Jesus paid the debt of your sin dying on the cross and shedding His blood! Today, Friday April 3, 2015 we commemorate what Jesus did for us and we share with others that have not taken that step of faith. He didn't have to do this, but He did because He loves you. He wants to heal your pain, to give you peace, joy, love. He wants to be your Savior. If you have not asked Jesus into your heart and asked him to be your Savior, do so now. If you have backslid or are not walking with God like you once were, you can reconcile with Him right now!

Sinner's prayer:
Please write my name in the book of life!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Spiritual Check-up

We are in March 2015 .. Many of us besides making material New Year's resolutions, some of use made spiritual ones. i.e. Get closer to God, study more the bible, learn more bible verses, speak to others about Christ, etc.

Now it's time for a checkup. Then you should do this check up every 3-6 months to see if you are on point. Just like you are evaluated at work, you should evaluated yourself. Evaluate your walk with God and let me and others know if you want others to join in prayer with you in your walk.

Here are the questions you should ask yourself:

1. Are you reading the Bible daily? Many adopt a reading plan in the beginning in the year, but sometimes we are not up to date in our reading. Take a week or more to try to catch up. If you know you can't work on the schedule you have chosen adjust your plan but still read your bible daily. Don't read it everyday as an obligation to God like you're doing Him a favor. You need it for yourself. We need it for our soul. I know there are times where we feel overwhelmed and that we don't have enough hours in the day. However, we need to make time. If you know you are going to have a very busy day, get up earlier and dedicate some time in the morning reading the Bible and praying before leaving the house.

2. Are you praying daily? Are you praying regularly and constantly? 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray without ceasing," This doesn't mean you have to be down on your knees 24/7. This means you meditate on Him day and night 24/7. When I'm in my car I have my Christian Music playing (worship, gospel, whichever type of genre you like as long as it exalts God) and I am worshipping God and then I start talking to God. This is praying without ceasing. When I go anywhere and there I times where I just say a quick prayer or just praise God, it doesn't have to be out loud. Now in 1 Timothy 2:2 says "for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." This is telling us that we need to pray for those in authority including the government and church leaders. Are you praying by name for other believers to speak the Gospel boldly and clearly? Ephesians 6:18-20 "And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always praying for all of God's people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel, for which I am an Ambassador in chains, pray that I may declare it fearlessly as I should. Do you pray for your enemies? Matthew 5:44 says "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." 

3. How often have you shared the Gospel so far this year 2015? Is the Word of God, the Gospel, so powerful so powerful and impacting to you that you need to share with other? Are you building relationship with unbelievers gospel centered? I know my approach wot winning people over is to try to win them over as a friend first and then little by little start talking or introduce them to the gospel. Once that relationship has been built then you will talk to them about God. You will talk about God's love, grace, mercy and the sacrifice Jesus did on the cross for them so they could obtain salvation. For what non-believers are you praying for? Paul says in Romans 10:1 "Brothers and sisters, my heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved." I heard someone say this and I thought it was interesting and I never thought of it but liked it and said hmm I think I will say that prayer: "Lord increase my burden for lost people." Romans 9:1-3 ""I speak the truth in Christ - I am not lying, my conscience confirms it through the Holy Spirit - I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race."

Stay on track! Don't give up on your goals! Don't give up on your dreams. 

God bless!

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