Sunday, June 28, 2015

Struggles....Do you struggle to read the Bible?

There are many kinds of struggle and we will talk about several of them. On this post we will talk about the struggle to read the bible. 

What is the purpose of the bible? In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 it tells us "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction of righteousness that the man of God may be perfect; thoroughly approved for every good work."

Bible = a collection of books; Scripture = writing, sacred - 40 different men wrote the bible over a period of 1,500 years not their words but the words that God was saying. In another posts I will "The Purpose of the Bible." Many say the bible is boring, but did you know that there is variety in the bible. Yes - the bible talks about History, poetry, letters, adventure, parables, miracles and love letters. There's different moods: joy/sorrow 

Do you struggle to read the bible? Do you want to read the bible more than you do? Do you often start a bible reading plan to quit after a week? Do you keep telling yourself, "I'll begin reading the bible after X and Y get taken care of."

Let's see what the bible tells us in Proverbs 2:1-5 "My son, if you receive my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and incline your heart to understanding - indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as silver and you search for it as hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God."

First, we've neglected Urgency:

In the beginning of this verse he starts with "my son." There's urgency in his words. He is pleading with his son to study God's Word. It's a matter of life-and-death. Proverbs is telling us to study the Word of God because you will be seduced, you will be tempted, it clearly tells us that there are evil forces that are trying to destroy us. Before you know it you will be standing before the presence of God, are you ready? 

It is long overdue for the church, the people to begin to study the Word of God. I'm not talking about just reading the bible just to read it. I'm talking about reading the bible aloud, meditate on it as you read and let it sink in, let it minister to you, understand what you are reading. Take notes, if you don't understand something, jot it down and then ask your pastor. We need to recapture the urgency. Nowadays when a person gives their life to Christ we need to instruct them to begin reading and studying the bible every single day. Don't suggest to the people to read the bible because then this

gives them an option to make a decision; tell them they need to read it. It's their instruction manual, it's the one that will help them to overcome that struggle. In the days we are living in the young people and children, the new generation need to study the Word of God and so many are afraid to tell them to study the Word of God. They need to see and hear us to plead to study and read the Word of God and they will understand that some things are optional but other things are life-and-death.

Many parents plead with their children to do their best in sports or in class. How much more important is it for you to plead with your child to read the Bible?

Second, we've neglected hard work 

Let's look at the action words in these verses (Proverbs 2:1-5)
  • Receive my words
  • Store (treasure) up my commandments
  • turning your ear to wisdom
  • Incline your heart to understanding
  • Call out for insight
  • Cry aloud for understanding
  • Look for it like silver
  • Search for it as for hidden treasure
On one hand we are to be urgent and on the other hand we are to be diligent. Reading the bible is not easy. It's hard work. If you find it easy chances are you are missing something important.

Reading the bible is not automatic. You have to be diligent. Receive, treasure up, turn your ear or make it attentive, incline your heart, call out, cry aloud, look for and search. Personal bible study is a battle, maybe the greatest one in your life. I myself struggle with this at times; we are all human.
You have to be consistent and persistent. There are times when I go to read the bible and study it all of a sudden I get a heaviness in my eyes that I literally have to lay down but then when I get up I go and read the bible. There will be so many obstacles against you. You have to fight to make it happen and to receive understanding. In James 1:5 says If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." 

You know thinking back when I was growing up we tend to follow the same way we were taught to teach others but maybe we should change the way we tell others about reading the bible. Instead of telling people "Read the Bible." Let's be more honest and realistic. Let's tell them reading the bible will be a struggle. But you need to stick to it, hang on, persevere, Call out for help and cry for understanding. Seek it with all you've got. Keep your ear open so you don't miss the truths God has for you. It is so crucial that we know the Word of God. In Hosea 4:6(a) "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...." 

Third, we've neglected imagination

We fail to see God's Word as a treasure. These verses say that God's Word is like silver and hidden treasure. I believe that many of our problems in studying the bible would be solved if we believed that the bible is a treasure. Why? Because people do not have problem being convinced to look for a treasure. They will search for it diligently. Every human being does this naturally.

This could mean we can approach our study of the bible differently. Maybe we can study the bible more emotionally rather than intellectually. We need to put our imagination to work more than our rational mind. "Seek it like silver and search for it as a hidden treasure" is highly emotional. It's meant to stimulate your imagination. Once your imagination is on board there's little you can do to stop it. 

How are you doing with your bible study? Sometimes we neglect one or more of these mentioned. Sometimes we think that bible study just means a routine of reading or just having knowledge of the bible. The more we can recapture urgency, hard work and imagination the more vital is our pursuit of God. 

God bless!

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