Sunday, April 16, 2017

Resurrection of Jesus - Your Hope!

Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen Luke 24:5b-6

Today we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. I can't imagine being there watching my Lord and Savior suffering for me; to wipe away my sin. However, what was going on in the disciples minds. When Jesus said it is finished. They probably felt despair, heartache, and much more, something that all of us have had at one time or another, disappointment of a dream. Jesus died like a sinner yet He was innocent. He was humiliated. He was also put in a tomb. When someone is buried or mentioned (that was the burial in those days) it was final. For three days nothing went on, our Lord Jesus was gone. The disciples must of felt hopelessness....

But then on early Sunday morning....

Death could not keep Him! The grave could not contain Him! He rose from death as Scriptures foretold. In doing so He broke the chains, He gave us the access to come boldly to His throne. Full access to Him and we could talk to Him and He did away with the sacrifices from the Old Testament because He was the ultimate sacrifice.

There is hope for you still today! He died and rose again just for you!
Today receive the best gift you will ever receive.


Happy Easter!!

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