Thursday, May 29, 2014

What Does the Bible says about Suicide?

I am editing this post because I want to add a video of a young man competing in Britain's Got Talent he was given a bad review and he went off stage and shot himself. 

John 10:10a "The enemy comes only to steal and kill and destroy...."  "Don't be a fool - why die before your time?" Ecclesiastes 7:17b

What does the bible say about suicide? How does God view? Does all those who kill themselves go to hell?

Almost everyone would agree that life is the most precious gift that human beings have been given. Just the chance to be alive on this earth and play a part in the grand scheme of God’s eternal plan is a privilege indeed.However there are times that things get so difficult or so hard to carry that we wish we were dead. Some of us it lingers so much that the thought becomes suicide looks like their only escape. The bible says that "we shall not murder" that is not only others but ourselves as well. God created us in His image and He has given us the potential to overcome the evil in this world.

Suicide is a grievous sin that hearts God and also hurts very much the family of the deceased. The pain of losing a loved one that took their own life isn't easy to to heal. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or know someone who did God wants you to know that there is HOPE! He is also the great RESTORER and HEALER.

The Bible talks about the greatest men who faced depression and sometimes wrote that they wished they had not been born. Examples of this: King David and this can be found in Psalm 13:2-4, the Prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 20:14-18, and Job among others despaired their own lives. In Job 7:15-16 says "so that I prefer strangling and death, rather than this body of mine. I despise my life; I would not live forever. Let me alone; my days have no meaning." These men were blessed by God and are of an example how they persevered through the trials. They suffered injustice but they kept their faith in God and they overcame and they led abundant, long lives.

We must understand that we all get depressed from time to time. However there are times that the depression goes longer than it should and this is when the thoughts of suicide come in and let me tell you this is none of than the demonic forces putting these thoughts in your head because God is a God of life. Suicide goes directly against the power of life that He took pride in putting into creation. Look around you there is life everywhere, even in the worst situation, their is survival instinct to live is a gift of God. Suicide developed in the demonic realm because John 10:10 says that the devil came to steal and to kill and to destroy. Though demons my try to tempt us to commit suicide, those that are Christians, have power over the devil and he cannot push us to do this if we call on the name of Jesus.

There is a spiritual battle going on. Ephesians 6:12 says "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces in this heavenly realm." See we are spiritual beings and we are in a daily spiritual fight. The devil wants to take with him as many people as he wants.

Many people, myself included, have believed that the people who commit suicide go immediately to hell because that is what I was taught all taught all the time. However, looking through the bible and doing research the Bible stays silent about this issue. If we knew we would still go to heaven there would be a lot more suicides than there already is. However, if we knew they would go to hell it would be too much for the family to bear. The bible says that their are only two unforgivable sings that is rejecting Christ "but whoever does not believe in me shall be condemned" Mark 16:16b and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit Mark 3:29 "But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of eternal sin."

So I come to the conclusion that although the bible doesn't state that if you commit suicide you will go to hell you are in danger of going to hell because your relationship with God is not where it should be. If you have an intimate relationship with God you would go to God in prayer and ask Him to help you with these thoughts that are invading your mind. You would ask God to let you hang on to hope and to trust in Him to see you through this. You are stronger than you think when you are in a relationship with God. So I would dare to say that if you actually do commit suicide you would go to hell because that relationship with God is broken.

People, we have to remember that we will all come before the Lord one day to be judged on everything: our lives, our beliefs, our motives, the work we did, etc. You know God is a God of grace and many people say this to commit all kinds of sin. They think that they can sin come to God and ask for forgiveness and do it all over again the next day. Like if they had a license to sin. That's not how it works. Yes there are times we fail God not intentionally and we come before Him and ask for forgiveness and He forgives us. But to repent means to turn around and walk away and ever go back to it. If people would have on their minds all the time that they are going to be judged about what they are doing, living, believing, etc the we would see a whole lot more people serving God.(Many don't understand those who knew God intimately and knew His Word and are now are out there sinning, but the reality is that they stopped building that relationship with God and little by little they began to go further and further away and sin came knocking at their door and they had no strength to fight it).

You might think right now that God is far away from you when in reality He is much closer than you think. Maybe these words are speaking to you right now. Don't ignore it. You need to receive healing because depression sometimes stems out of different feelings like: anger, resentment, unforgiveness, self-pity, frustration, despair, worthlessness, jealousy, hopelessness, fearfulness, bitterness, vengeance and if you turn all these to God the healing process can begin. You cannot do it by yourself. The Bible tells us in Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will."

Let's Pray:

Father, in the name of Jesus, I come to you confessing my sin to. Lord you say that those who come to you with a broken heart and a humble spirit you give grace. I lay before you all pride, all sin put behind me. I present to you as I truly am with all my burdens, weakness, helplessness of my life. You are my Roc of my salvation and I come to you. Father forgive me of all sin and cleanse me. I open my heart to your blessings. I cast all my cares upon you and I let your Spirit carry them far away from me. Your Word says that you cast my sins to the depths of the sea and remember them no more. Lord your Word says in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to bless you and not harm you plans for a hope and a future." Thank you Lord for giving me hope, for giving me life and for having a plan for my life. Lord I thank you because with your outstretched arms on that cross you showed me you loved me and the punishment I deserved you took them for me. .

Satan, I close every door I have opened to you and I denounce every activity I have taken part in with you. In Jesus name, As it is written in James 4:7 "Submit yourselves, then, to God. resist the devil and he will flee. I remind you that you have been defeated by the power of the cross and I remind you of your future. By the authority and power given unto my by God I command you to leave me right now!

If you've repeated this prayer, I would like to hear from you. If you do not want to leave a comment because you want to leave a more private message send an

God Bless

- Debbie

Joven se suicida en vivo despues de eliminacion de competencia

Here's another 16 year old girl that committed suicide on Facebook
The video of the act has been removed but here are the news about it.
More and more people are using the internet to show their suicide
We need to pay more attention to the children and be aware of the
signs that tell you that your child is contemplating on committing suicide

Can your life be compared to the Prodigal Son?

Luke 15:11-31 I want to briefly go over the story of the Prodigal Son - The youngest son came to his father and asked for his inheritance ahead of time. The he took his inheritance and ran away to spend it on having a good time. He had plenty of "friends" to help him spend the money which quickly was gone. When the money was gone so were his "friends." He didn't have any money and was reduced to working in a pigpen, the most humiliating job for a Jew. Then while working one day he thought about his father's servants how they had food and a place to sleep. So he decided that he would rise up and go to his father and tell him I have sinned against heaven and against you. While on his journey back home his father seen him afar and went running to his son. His father was filled with compassion and threw his arms around him and kissed him. He told his servants to put the best robe on him, ring on his finger, and sandals. Then he threw a big party for him because he was lost but now he is found. 

Can you relate? I can! See I one time was at home and I had everything I wanted - great parents, family, I went to church on a weekly basis and they would teach me the Word of God. However, one day I ran away from all of that. I had friends who kept me high all the time. I had friends in which we partied all the time. I knew my parents were always praying for me and waiting for me to come back home, just like the father of the prodigal son. One day as I laid in bed (at my friend's house) everyone was asleep. I just laid there and couldn't fall asleep. Then all of a sudden a thought came to me "you cannot go on living your life this way, go back home." In the meantime, there had been a young lady, that happened to be my real friend from childhood that we went to the same church. Every time she would see me she would tell me if you ever want to talk call me any day at any time and she would give me her number and every time I would throw it away. However, that night I got up from the bed and walked down the street to a major intersection to find a pay phone. I called her and her father answered the phone and said she is asleep (it was a Saturday night) and I told him "you don't understand she said I can call her at any time and I really need her." I proceeded to tell her where I was. While I stood there the thought enters my head that someone is going to drive by and kill me so I get scared and leave back to the house. So when my friend got there she didn't find me. She called my mother and told her everything. My mother (thank God for mothers) with her robe got in her car not knowing how to get to where I was started praying and asking God to guide her to where I was at. God did guide her and she made it to the house (I was back in bed). I heard her knocking on the door, but it was like I was paralyzed and couldn't get up. Then she went to the side door knocking and calling out my name. I would say in a faint voice "I'm here." Then all of a sudden I was able to get up, I opened the front door and she came running to the front door and I threw myself in her arms and kept saying over and over "get me out of here." This is why I compare my life like the Prodigal Son. I had left but then I came back to my senses and went back home and I was received with open arms and love. 

There is so much you can get out of this story, but the one I want to speak about is God's unconditional love. See it doesn't matter how bad you've messed up. It doesn't matter what you did in your past. He still loves you. He loves you, he doesn't like the sin. He doesn't like what you are doing right now, but He's telling you I love you right this second and always. He loved you so much that He opened up His arms wide open and died on the cross but He is risen. You don't have to live in shame or live fear. You don't have to live in guilt. You know what, my God is so awesome that He forgives you and the Word of God says that He throws your sins to the bottom of the sea. In Micah 7:19 it says "You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sin underfoot and hurl all iniquities into the depths of the sea." (NIV) See it doesn't matter what you have done in the past or what you are doing presently - He forgives you! As he forgives you, you need to learn to forgive yourself.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Monday, May 26, 2014

Get Back up Again

You know there are days where you feel that the wind has been knocked out of you. You feel that life has knocked you down. You feel that life has knocked you down. There are many times you feel defeated and discouraged. Many of you have given up on yourselves and your dreams. Some of you have said "what's the use of making goals or plans?" We all go through those moments. We all sometimes fall at some time or another. We all have our moments.

I heard one time that if you fall, fall on your back because you can look up and ask God for help - I think this is a pretty good one. You know when I think about falling and getting back up I think about the runner (can't remember the name or the year) but he was running this race and he injured his leg. He could barely move and his father came running down the bleachers to come to the aide of his son. The security guards tried to stop him because he did not have credentials to be out there, but he pushed through them and got to his son. He helped his son and together they finished the race. It wasn't about winning, it was about finishing; it was about getting back up again!

There is also another story similar to the above about falling and getting back up. Click on the link: Major Life Lesson


Usted sabe que hay días donde usted siente que el viento ha sido golpeado de usted. Usted siente que la vida le ha derribado. Hay muchas veces usted se siente derrotado y desalentado. Muchos de ustedes han decidido no pelear mas por ustedes mismos y sus sueños.Algunos de ustedes han dicho  ¿'cuál es el uso de hacer objetivos o proyectos?' Pasamos aquellos momentos. A veces nos caemos en algún tiempo o el otro. Tenemos nuestros momentos.

Oí un tiempo que si usted se cae, cáigase de espaldas porque usted puede ver y pedir a Dios la ayuda - pienso que este es un bueno dicho. Usted sabe cuando pienso en la caída y levantarse otra vez el corredor (no puede recordar el nombre o el año) mientras corria se cayo y se agolpeo la pierna. Él no podia moverse apenas y su padre vino corriendo las gradas para venir ayudar a su hijo. Los guardas de seguridad trataron de pararlo porque él no tenía cartas credenciales para estar ahí, pero él empujó por ellos y llego a su hijo. Ayudo a aguantar a su hijo y juntos ellos terminaron la carrera. No era era el ganar la importancia, era el terminar; ¡era levantarse luego de caerse!

Hay también otra historia sobre caerse y levantarse nuevamente.

Haz Clic Aqui: Major Life Lesson

Introduction and reason for blogging

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you plans for a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Hi, my name is Debora Cortes but most of my family and childhood and young friends call me Debbie. You can also call me Debbie. I love writing. I am a Christian and I love the Lord very much. The Lord has given me the gift and talent to always be writing inspirational little notes to people as He guides me and I like to post some thoughts and words that God places in my heart.

Why am I starting a blog? Well my sister suggested it to me because I am always sending people different messages, or posting things on Facebook or sending emails and sometimes even mailing (snail mail) bible studies, articles or things I've learned about depression, forgiveness, bipolar disorder, sexual abuse, and others. I truly believe that what the devil has done for evil to destroy us God turns for good and strengthens us and uses that experience to work with others. For example, if you have never done nothing wrong in your life: never smoked, drank, did drugs, was premiscuous, walked with the wrong crowd, cursed, was rebellious, etc (you get the picture) then you cannot speak to a person that is going through one of these things mentioned and tell them I know what you are going through because you DON'T! See this is where I see how God turns things around....if I had never been a drug addict I could never talk to a drug addict and tell them I know what you are going through, let's talk.

I titled my blog "Transformation/Metamorphosis" because we are daily going through a transformation. Later on I will right about the stages of life of a butterfly - Metamorphosis.

I hope you enjoy my blog. Feel free to contact me and to share your stories.

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Get Back up Again

You know there are days where you feel that the wind has been knocked out of you. You feel that life has knocked you down. You feel that lif...