Monday, May 26, 2014

Introduction and reason for blogging

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you plans for a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Hi, my name is Debora Cortes but most of my family and childhood and young friends call me Debbie. You can also call me Debbie. I love writing. I am a Christian and I love the Lord very much. The Lord has given me the gift and talent to always be writing inspirational little notes to people as He guides me and I like to post some thoughts and words that God places in my heart.

Why am I starting a blog? Well my sister suggested it to me because I am always sending people different messages, or posting things on Facebook or sending emails and sometimes even mailing (snail mail) bible studies, articles or things I've learned about depression, forgiveness, bipolar disorder, sexual abuse, and others. I truly believe that what the devil has done for evil to destroy us God turns for good and strengthens us and uses that experience to work with others. For example, if you have never done nothing wrong in your life: never smoked, drank, did drugs, was premiscuous, walked with the wrong crowd, cursed, was rebellious, etc (you get the picture) then you cannot speak to a person that is going through one of these things mentioned and tell them I know what you are going through because you DON'T! See this is where I see how God turns things around....if I had never been a drug addict I could never talk to a drug addict and tell them I know what you are going through, let's talk.

I titled my blog "Transformation/Metamorphosis" because we are daily going through a transformation. Later on I will right about the stages of life of a butterfly - Metamorphosis.

I hope you enjoy my blog. Feel free to contact me and to share your stories.

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