Thursday, July 10, 2014

Encourage Someone Today

How to encourage others

When we encourage others that goes straight to their heart. The Word of God tells us to encourage each other. Hebrews 3:13(a) "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "Today,"... (NIV)

The word encouragement comes from the prefix "en" which means "to put into" and the Latin word "cor" which means heart. Knowing how encouragement makes a difference in your life, what can you do to help others "to take heart" when they are going through a very tough time?

  1. I sometimes think about what encourages me and try to share that with others
  2. In the book The Five Languages of Love by Gary Chapman explains that not everyone's emotional needs are met the same way. The five love languages are: words of affirmation, spending quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service and physical touch
  3. I sometimes have an encouraging thought come to mind, so I share it! Sometimes I doubt if I should share it, but if I do and then say it later it won't have the same effect. Don't let shyness stop you. Form a new habit.
  4. It encourages me when I'm introduced to someone else and they add a few words of my abilities and accomplishments and how I've helped them and how I've made an impact in their lives. These are encouraging words.
  5. When someone is discouraged or hurting, offer them some specific help. If you don't know what to do or say you never go wrong with praying for that person. I like to write little notes and give to the person with an encouraging bible verse and a prayer and encouraging words. Sometimes we ask how can I help you and they might not dare to tell you or don't know what to say. Instead, you can say I can help you...(specific action).
  6. We need to remind other Christians of the promises of God and His characteristics. We might know something in our mind, but we need to be reminded of it in our hearts. 2 Peter 1:12 "So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have."
  7. I like to write so I write notes to people letting them know I am praying for them. Sometimes if God has put something in my heart to tell that person or pray something specific I will let that person know. I do this so that the person knows that God hears them and that they are not alone.
  8. When someone accomplishes something or has a victory celebrate by going out for coffee, lunch, a phone call...something.
  9. When offering words of praise be specific. Being specific makes your encouragement more believable. When my godson does something good I tell him "great job!" I had a friend that would always tell me "I appreciate you." We need to do this because this encourages and uplifts them.
  10. Remind others about Christ's coming. This takes off our minds of what we are going through and gets us thinking about the eternal perspective. In 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18 "After that, we who are still alive and left will be caught together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words."
  11. Sometimes just having someone with you encourages you and gives you comfort and strength. For instance, when I was in a car accident my friend just happened to call me and I told her what just had happened and she came right away to where I was. She was of great help because first of all I was by myself and sometimes your disoriented and she was of great help.
  12. Hebrews 10:25 says "Not giving up meeting together, as some have the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the day approaching." We encourage others when we attend church services, bible studies and other events. I know that when I do an event I am encouraged when others come. Don't you?
  13. Make it a habit to be someone who encourages others. Write a letter to a co-worker, child's teacher, etc. because we interact with these people but for their services. We should take the time just to say thank you!
  14. Sometimes when I go to a restaurant or I speak to technical support on the phone I ask to speak to their supervisor about the great service I received from that person. I also let the person know how much I appreciate their service. This encourages them to continue to do a great job.
  15. When you see someone make a positive change in their life, let them know you noticed. Say something positive. For instance, I see that you really have a great attitude despite everything you are going through.
  16. Always ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words or actions that you need to encourage someone today. It is impossible to serve God in your own strength, it's also impossible to freely give encouragement to someone without the help of the Holy Spirit.
Isaiah 43:1-2, 5(a)   "But now - this is what the Lord says: He who created you, Jacob, He who formed you, Israel: Do not fear for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
Do not be afraid for I am with you;..."

Be encouraged and encourage someone today!

Hay dos huellas en la arena
There are two sets of prints in the sand
Jose Ocampo

Translation of song:

One night in my sleep I saw that I was walking with Jesus
along the shore under a silver moon.
I dreamed that I saw in the skies
my life in a series of  scenes that in silence I contemplated
Two pairs of footprints were staying in the sand as I was walking with Jesus
as friends conversing. I was looking intently on these footprints
reflected in the sky but slightly strange I observed and I felt great grief.
I observed that sometimes on having repaired the footprints
instead of seeing two pairs, I saw only a pair of footprints.
And it was I who was observing also that one only pair of footprints
was in the sand mainly in my nights without stars.
In the hours of my life flooded with anxiety and sadness
when the soul needs more console and fortitude.
I asked Jesus sadly: Didn't you promise that in my 
hours of affliction you would always walk with me ...?
But I notice that on my sadness times in the middle of my suffering
I see only a pair of footprints.
Where are the other two footprints that indicate You are with me 
when the thunderstorm is beating me cruelly in my life?
And, Jesus answered me: with tenderness and comprehension;
' Listen good, my son, I understand your confusion.
I always loved you and I will love you,
and in your times of pain I will be by your side always
to show you my love.
But if you only see a pair of footprint in the sand as we walk
and you do not see others two, that must be evident,
it is that in the hour of affliction, when your steps are weaken ,
there are no traces of your footprints because I am carrying you in My arms '.

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